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National Candidates


Kamala Harris
US President

“My daily challenge to myself is to be part of the solution, to be a joyful warrior in the battle to come. My challenge to you is to join that effort. To stand up for our ideals and our values. Let's not throw up our hands when it's time to roll up our sleeves. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

Years from now, our children and our grandchildren will look up and lock eyes with us. They will ask us where we were when the stakes were so high. They will ask us what it was like. I don't want us to just tell them how we felt. I want us to tell them what we did.”


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Tim Walz
US Vice President

"We dont need more of the same, typical politicians fighting for themselves and for special interests. We need someone to believe in our small-business owners again and someone to champion those folks who play by the rules."



Caleb Rudow
US House District 11

People deserve leaders who are willing to step up for them and I’m not going to stand on the sidelines in such a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. In my previous race, we showed up everywhere, we listened, we found common ground and we put service and helping people first. We learned that when we stick to principles, we can defy expectations and beat the odds. I look forward to working with Henderson County this year to make that happen.

WebsiteX (Formerly Twitter)

Candidate for US Congress 


Michelle Antalec
NC House #113 

As the NC house representative for the WNC, I will use my 30 years in finance, risk and area management
skills to support economic ideas that can benefit our communities. We need a legislator who will support
affordable housing, living-wage jobs, insure women's healthcare, keep access to rural hospitals and
understands how immigration helps our farmers, manufacturing, service industries and tax base. I’ll be your
voice in Raleigh. Bring me your ideas, let's talk! Then, let's make democracy work for WNC.

Read more about Michelle


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Steve Martinez
NC House #117 

I am Steve Martinez, retired medical consultant, and 20 yr resident of Henderson County. Everything I
treasure is in WNC: the area, people, and more. I never planned on running for office, but today’s political
climate gives me no choice. I want to act - to benefit people, our livelihoods, give people their voices back
and provide sound, reasonable, and informed leadership NC. Let’s return our health, education, voting
rights, and more. I’ll make sure your rights return, and are expanded!

Read more about Steve



Chris Walters
NC Senate #48

“I see politics and electing good people to government as a way to promote the common good,” he said. “I’ve always liked politics and have actively participated on the local and state level for many years. Almost every part of our lives is affected by the votes of our elected officials and if we want to have a voice, we have to participate.” 
Read more about Chris


NC House (districts 113 and 117) and NC Senate


Erik Weber
Henderson County Commissioner

“The underlying principles of my campaign are community, conversation and culture,” Erik said. “I believe we as a community are all in it together. That means we must have conversations with each other as we work to preserve our rich and diverse culture for future generations.”

Read more about Erik


Leslie Carey
Henderson County
Board of Education

We are not a county divided, we are a county disconnected and we must work together!  I have always had a passion for supporting our education system, teachers and kids. Wanting the best for our students and educators should be a non-partisan issue.

Read more about Leslie

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Josh Williams
Henderson County
Board of Education

I am a native of Hendersonville, NC, and an alumnus of Hendersonville High School, Class of 2001. I believe every student should have the opportunity to succeed, and I advocate for more Drama, Art, and Music programs in our schools to support students who may not be interested in sports. I am dedicated to helping all children succeed in our school system.

Read more about Josh

Website | Facebook | Email

Local and County Offices


Mary Ellen Kustin
Henderson County

Board of Education

“I'm in it for the kids—not just my two children who will be in our schools through 2037, but for all kids,” she said. “I’m passionate about fairness and I’ll always fight to put children first. No matter their family situation or their background. Children are our future and they deserve the best we can offer them, especially safe, high quality, fully funded schools.”

Read more about Mary Ellen

Website | Facebook

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Rhonda Mountain
Henderson County
Board of Education

As a candidate for our County School Board, I am deeply committed to supporting our students,
empowering our teachers, and appreciating our school support staff. Let's trust and work together
to create a nurturing and inspiring learning environment. I have watched our public school funding
and safety get chipped away. I feel the need to stand up now when EVERY student deserves the

Read more about Rhonda



Gina Baxter

Hendersonville City Council

“I care deeply about the wellbeing of the people of Hendersonville and want us to be able to retain our sense of pride in our town. Hard work, a willingness to listen, a love of learning, and a respect for tradition are all values that I hope to embody as a sitting councilor.”

Read more about Gina


(828) 595-4629


Lyndsey Simpson
City Council

Lyndsey Simpson has lived in Hendersonville since 2016 and is a local business owner, active community volunteer and, since 2019, she’s served as a City Council member and Mayor Pro Tem. Her priorities for this next term are housing, sustainability and continuing to build a community where everyone feels supported and welcomed.

Read more about Lyndsey

Website | Email


Tiffany Councill
Mills River Town
Council At-Large 

Working together, we can meet or exceed the ambitions of the 2040 Land Use Plan for Mills River.  This will best be achieved with increased transparency, continued assessment of land preservation, commercial and residential zoning, affordable housing, and infrastructure, all which will support projected population growth of Mills River.

Read more about Tiffany


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Lora Baker (Unaffiliated)
District 42

Keep Judge Lora T. Baker as a District Court Judge for Judicial District 42. Unaffiliated and Impartial, Judge Baker has been proudly serving Henderson, Polk, and Transylvania Counties since her appointment in 2023.

Read more about Lora



NC State Candidates


Josh Stein
NC Governor

As North Carolina’s Attorney General and as a state Senator before, Josh has taken on powerful special interests to protect families. He and his team have worked hard to keep families safe, hold corporate wrongdoers accountable for the damage they’ve done, make polluters pay to clean up the messes they make, and defend your reproductive and voting rights. Josh Stein learned early on that some things are worth fighting for, no matter the opposition.



Rachel Hunt

NC Lt. Governor

Senator Hunt is running for Lt. Governor to get us back on track, fight for our basic freedoms, create safer communities, and make our education system the best it can be. She is an attorney and mother. She spent the first part of her legal career working for women and children, in court. When she got married and had kids, she volunteered to protect the public schools. When they grew up, she ran for public office, beating a four-term incumbent in the NC House, and she hasn’t stopped fighting since.



Jeff Jackson

NC Attorney General

In the NC Senate and US Congress, Jeff has a reputation for being transparent, accessible, and candid. He helped lead the fight against: gerrymandering and discriminatory legislation like HB2; he supported: investments in early childhood education, raising teacher pay, expanding Medicaid, criminal justice reforms, and called out corruption when he saw it. His commitment to his principles has been non-negotiable. Jeff’s primary mission is to represent the people of North Carolina with honesty and decency.



Jessica Holmes
NC Auditor

Holmes is an attorney; she was previously elected to two terms on the Wake County Board of Commissioners and stepped up to be NC Auditor in Dec. 2023. “I will bring my legal expertise to the office by asking tough questions and ensuring agencies are spending state money legally, effectively and efficiently,” said Holmes. Her goal is to restore public trust and be ready for the challenge.



Wesley Harris

NC Treasurer

Wesley Harris is running for Treasurer because we deserve a leader in the Treasurer's office who will be an advocate for long-term financial planning and sound fiscal policy. He will work hard to protect our state bond ratings, increase our capacity for investment in infrastructure that improves people's lives, and ensure a secure retirement for state employees. With Harris at the helm, NC can become a leader in the 21st century economy and remain the best state in the country to work and live.



Elaine Marshall

NC Secretary of State

Elaine's commitment to protecting investors from fraud and scams has led to long prison terms for criminals and has refunded over $1 billion from major Wall Street firms for misrepresentation to NC investors. She also has received international recognition for her efforts protecting trademark holders, eliminating harmful and dangerous counterfeit goods and prosecuting counterfeiters.



Braxton Winston

NC Comm of Labor

As the next Commissioner of Labor, I will support North Carolina’s working families and businesses by: ensuring that all workers go to work in a safe environment; fighting for all people to be paid fairly under North Carolina labor laws; making it a priority that our workforce is fully staffed to uphold public safety; closing the digital divide and training our next workforce; defending workers rights wherever they find work; and taking a "whole worker" approach.



Natasha Marcus
NC Comm of Insurance

"In the Senate, I've been an outspoken champion for people over corporations, individual freedoms over ideology, and smart investments in our state’s future. I have lots of statewide grassroots support. I fight extremism, defend democracy, and will run a serious campaign to flip this seat.”



Sarah Taber

NC Comm of Agriculture

North Carolina can grow a wide range of crops nearly year-round, thanks to our warm coastal plain and cooler mountains. And we’re a day’s drive from major markets in the northeastern corridor. With these advantages, we can double or triple how much North Carolina’s farms earn from agriculture. But we need to invest in our countryside to get there. Sarah has a three-part plan to attract new investment will strengthen our agricultural sector by growing three key areas.



Maurice (Mo) Green

NC Superintendent

of Public Instruction

Mo has been Guilford County Schools Superintendent, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Executive Director and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Deputy Superintendent and General Counsel. His vision includes: Investing fully in public education, revering educators, educating each student using appropriate/differentiated resources, enhancing parent/community engagement, ensuring safe, secure learning environments, celebrating the good in public education.



Allison Riggs
NC Supreme Court
Asst. Justice #06

It has been an honor to serve on the NC Supreme Court since Sept., 2023. My passion for justice led me to become a justice, where I am building bridges to deliver on that promise of equal justice under the law. I approach all the cases with thoughtfulness, compassion, and a commitment to the rule of law. My guiding principles are integrity, transparency, consistency and empathy. Justice for all means that the doors to the courthouse are not arbitrarily slammed shut, and I take seriously my role in making our judicial system accessible and understood.



Carolyn Jennings Thompson

NC Court of Appeals

Judge Seat 12 

Judge Thompson has 25 years of combined legal and judicial experience. As a seasoned trial attorney and former jurist, she understands the importance of upholding the Constitution and applying the law to the facts of each case. She is the only candidate for this seat with judicial experience. She is committed to serving with integrity, fairness, and impartiality.



Ed Eldred
NC Court of Appeals

Judge Seat 14

Ed is an experienced appellate attorney, having represented hundreds of people in our appellate courts. I am also a board-certified specialist in Child Welfare Law, and I have spent years on the front-line protecting North Carolina's families. We need that kind of real-world experience on the bench.


NC Judge Positions


Martin E. Moore 
NC Court of Appeals

Judge Seat 15

My name is Martin Moore and I am the Democratic nominee for the North Carolina Court of Appeals (Seat 15). I began my career as an attorney in public service, fighting for my neighbors here in Western North Carolina. In private practice, I fought for my neighbors in state and federal courts. Now I fight for our community as a Commissioner in Buncombe County. As a judge, I will be committed to integrity, fairness, and equal justice for all.


Paid for by the Henderson County Democratic Party. 

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