Join us Saturday, May 14th

Join us, Saturday, May 14th, from 4 pm to 5 pm to rally against the Draft SCOTUS Decision to Strike Down Roe V Wade. The rally will take place at Boyd Park, 851 N Main St, Hendersonville. - Main Street side across from Pop's Diner. We will line up with our signs behind the sidewalk paths.
The Democratic Party of Henderson County knows this decision is devastating for the millions of people across North Carolina whose abortion access and control over their own bodies now hangs in balance. There is only one way to protect our reproductive freedom and ensure everyone has the right to make their own health care decisions – elect Democrats up and down the ballot who support our rights to bodily autonomy.
Please Join US!
Safety Notes:
Please follow city ordinance laws:
No amplification within city limits. (We are in the city.)
Do not block sidewalks, streets, entrance/exit to mini golf and fire station.
Stay behind the sidewalk path.
Do not remove or relocate candidate signs.
Do not shout at pedestrians or people in cars.
Be extremely alert if rallying on a roadway or other surface large enough for vehicle traffic. Individuals choose to rally. We do want you to be safe.
Stay on the edges of the crowd & listen/watch for traffic: i.e. unusual vehicles, revving engines, and/or squealing tires.
Look for other vehicles, telephone poles, or other objects that could protect you from an oncoming vehicle
Move quickly and decisively at right angles to an on-coming vehicle. DO NOT RUN IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OF THE VEHICLE.
Stay behind the sidewalk. *There are political signs along the walkway. Do not obstruct them and do not move them for any reason.