Peri David, HCDP Secretary, is quick to invite people to get involved in creating a brighter, fairer future for all of Henderson County.
“If you’re new to Henderson County, come to a HCDP event and meet your new best friends!” she said. “We’re in this effort together, trying to make government work better. We may disagree on small things but—as you may know—our hearts are big and our ambitions honorable.”
Peri has lived in North Carolina for almost 40 years, including 30 years in Boone. She earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Elmira College and a master’s from Appalachian State. “I’m originally from Louisville, Kentucky," she said. "Henderson County is my first ‘red’ area, and I felt called to action.” Peri previously served as Third Vice Chair from 2019-2021.
As Secretary, Peri's goal is to help the Board and community work with a common calendar building toward getting out the vote for the next election. She enjoys working behind the scenes, helping the Board, volunteers, and the larger HCDP community achieve Democratic goals.
In May, Peri followed the recommendation of a fellow Democrat to read a book that she found especially impactful: The Sum of Us: What racism costs everyone and how we can prosper together by Heather McGhee. "This book is a lesson on how government can work for all people while reducing racism and countering extremism,” she said. “It articulates what I want for our country. We need to work harder now to ensure that equal rights, openness, honesty, fairness, and the rule of law are upheld.”
She encourages more and more people to join the effort. “There will be lots to do next year, from January all the way through November,” she said. “Take a look at our volunteer page—we have both front-and-center and background volunteer jobs for which you are needed. Bring a new idea! Or maybe an on-the-fence friend. I look forward to meeting you or catching up.”