WHAT: YOU ARE INVITED, together with your neighbors from the Etowah South, North Mills River, Clear Creek, and Fletcher precincts, to hear MARTIN MOORE, Democratic candidate for North Carolina Court of Appeals, speak about his candidacy and what we can do to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in November.
WHEN: Thursday, September 19 at 5:30 pm
WHERE: The Auction House Food Hall
29 Fanning Bridge Road in Fletcher (just off the Asheville Hwy.)
You'll find Mexican food, American Fast Food, and the Fish Camp here, plus a selection of beer, wine, and a Bourbon Bar.
WHAT'S THIS ALL ABOUT? WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELPelect Democrats in 2024. Come and listen to Martin Moore, come and contribute, come and learn. This is an event to inspire us all to action!
So, Come On Dems --LET'S DO SOMETHING!!!!!